Arts Seal

Performing Arts Seal Documentation and Info

Thank you for your interest in the performing arts seal! Below are documents and information that you will need along your journey to completion! Please contact your director with any questions!

Requirements and Timeline

Slideshow Presentation

Portfolio Scoresheet

Portfolio Rubric

Extra Curricular Activity Examples

Capstone Project Examples

Freshman Year

  1. Notify your mentor teacher of your intention.
  2. Track your extra curricular activities. If your activity is “off campus,” here is the verification form.

Sophomore Year

  1. Notify your mentor teacher of your intention.
  2. Track your extra curricular activities. If your activity is “off campus,” here is the verification form.

Junior Year

  1. Track your extra curricular activities. If your activity is “off campus,” here is the verification form.
  2. By end of first quarter, submit your mentor/student agreement.
  3. By end of second quarter, submit your Capstone Project Proposal. This is the grading rubric.
  4. Continued meetings second semester to develop your project.

Senior Year

  1. Track your extra curricular activities. If your activity is “off campus,” here is the verification form.
  2. Meet with mentor and identify two other individuals who will evaluate your public performance/presentation. Include justification as to why they were selected.
  3. Schedule and complete your capstone project and presentation.
  4. Complete your Capstone Project Reflection. This is the grading rubric.
  5. Finalize the portfolio to include all documents. Mentor will grade the portfolio. Portfolio will be returned to student as well as submitted to the district for approval.